Casino consultant, simply put, is someone who has expertise in casino, its operations and its impact to the community. A casino consultant generally dish out an opinion or advice regarding the impact the casino will make to the area concern based on some proven principles, techniques and strategies.
A casino consultant feasibility study must take into account the location, target market or niche, competition or other businesses that might indirectly compete with the casino such as restaurants, hotels, spas and other entertainment facilities. Another thing that should be considered is the number of jobs that are directly and indirectly created because of the casino. And find out how these jobs could affect other jobs in the area such as restaurant jobs, hotel jobs and others.
A casino consultant should maintain objectivity all throughout. And weigh all factors with due consideration. A casino consultant should refrain from letting his/her emotions show or be bias about matters pertaining to the casino.
A casino consultant should be involve in a wide scope of services which include computer assisted design of the casino floor plans, studies on the economic impact of the casino to the area where it is located, management reviews and should help develop marketing strategies for individual casinos. A casino consultant also helps in organizing, training, studying, auditing and consulting of the management related to gaming.
Casino consultant is also sometimes required to prepare financial forecast for hotel casinos or for planned developments. A casino consultant must analyze the market to identify the casino’s niche market. Feasibility studies should also be conducted on proposed projects. Casino consultant aside from calculating the potential jobs and tax revenue generated from casino projects should also give due consideration on the casino’s implications when it comes to rise in housing demands and in crime.
Casino consultant should also consider costs to the state arising from the need to alleviate problems that are directly or indirectly brought about by the casino. These problems a casino consultant should consider include traffic congestion, addiction in gambling and emergency services.
A casino consultant would have to defend his or her findings to the committee assigned on gambling in particular and the entire community in general. A casino consultant should make the necessary written and oral report based on his findings and study. A casino consultant needs to be thorough and specific in his or her projections or analysis. A casino consultant must support his or her conclusions with some facts and figures that could demonstrate the relevance of the study made. He or she could not leave anything to chance. Every data he or she produced must be backed by facts and figures.